The Engineering Process

A set of steps engineers follow to solve a challenge is called an engineering process. It is highly iterative and certain parts of the process may be repeated many times within the same project. The exact framing and articulation of the steps that get iterated will vary.

Research is the first step. This includes finding information about needs, identifying them and understanding the limitations. It is an essential part of the engineering design process as it allows engineers to find the best solution to an issue.

Once the researchers have gathered enough data they can begin to brainstorm solutions to the issue. This can be done a variety of ways, and is where engineering creativity really thrives. This is the stage where the possibilities are evaluated and analyzed. This could include simulation studies, the creation of decision matrixes, or even creating prototypes to compare.

This step involves students selecting one of their top ideas and preparing an idea for its development. They then construct the prototype using the specified materials and test it against their performance requirements. Students may have to test and tweak their prototypes to make sure it works according to the specifications.

This is a great method to teach the importance of problem solving and iteration. Engineers are known for developing an idea, test the solution and later, they discover a new problem. The process is repeated until the engineer has an answer that is in line with their expectations.

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